1. Age: 39 years old 2. Profession: Medical Coder 3. When did you first start training at WOFB and how did you find out about us? I first started in 2018, I was looking on the Internet for a place to do some exercise classes near me. 4. Tell us about your sports & fitness background:

Saturday, July 13:Sole Sisters will meet up at Key Biscayne at 7am in the usual parking lot. Sunday, July 14 – Saturday, July 20:7-day NO SUGAR Challenge! Are you up for it??? If you are serious about participating, please email us at WOFBmiami@gmail.com. I will create a separate group for this challenge. It’s only 7

5 COMMON MYTHS ABOUT SIX-PACKÂ ABS! 1. I must train my abdominals everyday for them to be defined. FALSE! Daily workouts that target or incorporate abdominal and core exercises will help your midsection become stronger, but it will not make your abdominals more visible to the outside world! As a matter of fact, you
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