July 10, 2024

1. Age: 39 years old

2. Profession: Medical Coder

3. When did you first start training at WOFB and how did you find out about us?
I first started in 2018, I was looking on the Internet for a place to do some exercise classes near me.

4. Tell us about your sports & fitness background:
Before starting at Bootcamp I never practiced any sports or fitness, and after having my two kids I decided to started in bootcamp to keep myself active and healthier, and now I would sign up again without a doubt. Bootcamp is my happy place !! and they have become my second family..

5. Favorite Exercise (or type of workout): I love running and heat workouts.

6. Least Favorite Exercise: Pull ups.

7. What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and overall fitness since starting WOFB?
There are so many positive things for me since I started in bootcamp  I have gained more energy and muscle. They guide me on how to have more healthy habits. I can see the change in my body in a positive way; I am able to perform so many tasks during my day that I was not able to do before due to my lack of energy. I can not be happier since I decided to join this bootcamp, I would love to give a big thank you to my Coaches, Loraine and Edgard for always motivating me to do better everyday!! Thank you so much!!

Go Yuri!! We are so proud of you! We couldn’t be happier to award you with this deserving title of Student of the Month! Your dedication and hard work since joining WOFB in 2018 have truly paid off. From starting with no prior sports or fitness experience to becoming an energetic, healthier, and more confident individual, your journey is incredibly inspiring. Keep up the amazing work!!

About the Author Rima Avellan

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